Marketing and Advertising Lesson Spotlight

We want to highlight one of our signature lessons that we feel really doesn’t show up often enough or at all in most food and nutrition literacy curricula. It’s the first lesson in our 3rd Module: Food & Society
Lesson Goals of Marketing & Advertising (aka THE BIG BUSINESS of FOOD):
This lesson is designed to help students think more critically about the economic motivations of the food industry, showing that food companies do not always have consumers’ best interests in mind. By highlighting the marketing and advertising strategies of food companies, we hope to make students more informed consumers that exercise their rights to make health and environmentally forward choices.
What you’ll find in this lesson on our Education Portal
Lesson Plan
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Snackz & Factz

For this lesson we suggest tasting a processed food such as a granola bar to showcase how to make health forward choices amidst the advertising, claims, and promotions from the food industry. Get the lesson plan for more details when you access our Education Portal for Free!